Several years ago I spotted these Power station down by Target at the strip mall, at the time I had thought what an odd place to install them, go shopping and charge up?
But, then I looked around and this is by interstate 20 heading East toward Atlanta or West toward Birmingham, two major cities and Oxford being almost middle ways.
Electric powered cars are newer to this area.
I would love to own an electric car because I don`t know if you save money using power or not.
What I would like is a solar powered car!
By Andria Perry
Photo By Andria Perry
Do you think electric cars are cheaper to run than gas?
within the 500 mile limit, you won’t run out of power!
There are stations all over. In some parts of the US there are other benefits.
1. you get to park for free in parking garages. Designated recharge stations.
2. in the NYC, DC and LA HOV lanes, you get to ride no matter how many people you have in the car.
That is very interesting and they are cheaper but you want to be sure you can always find a power station because for sure you can always find a gas station.
That would worry me if I was on a trip.
They are cheaper but I would be afraid I would get in a spot with no power station.
That would be my luck, to push it to far and no power plug in.
I’ve heard bad report about them from people who own such Green New Deal sales promotions.
I have seen good and bad. I am not ready for electric yet. I think solar powered would be better, and free.
Solar panels are expensive to install, $25k in 2010 when someone gave us a quote. Expensive battery to make the solar unit work. Our friends say they were able to save $.05 cents every month as they pay the loan for having the unit installed.
Our friends have not been paid $2,225 yet after 6 months for the rebate promised them if they have solar panels installed. Their agent resigned. 🙁