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Lark Daisy – A pretty weed

This plant was given to me by my friend and neighbor. I always share my plants with her and  so does she. We always buy two plants or divide our plants into two pots if that is possible.

She did not know the name of the plant but told me that is is a pretty weed she found on one of her road trips. I planted it and the plant looked like it was about to die. somehow it survived the heat and it have been blooming now for a few months.

I figured out that this is called the Lark daisy or the Brazilian button. It is a weed indeed. It has so many babies growing all around it .. now I have to ensure that I dead head the flowers and don’t let the seeds form.

  • Question of

    Do you grow plants considered to be weed?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you seen this flower before?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Dawn