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Why the need to be politically correct?

In the olden days you can call someone’s stereotype by the common name  of the color, the size, and even the gender. I wonder why there is this thing called politically correct that you can get in hot water if you call someone by the old label other than black or other than transgender or LGBT. Even the worker that was usually called househelp or housemaid is now domestic helper.

What’s in a name? Proponents of the politically correct name say that some labels are insulting like the N word for the black people with connotation to their slave status. You will be labeled a racist if you use that N word. For the transgender who is not a male or female can only be called lesbian or gay or transgender. No more jokes about fat or thin people for you have to call them overweight or underweight. Welcome to the world of politically correct labels.

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Written by Alex Socorro


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