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Just like finger-prints, everybody’s signature is unique and also, uniquely revealing. For example, the changes in Napoleon’s signature during the course of his life illustrates how signatures and handwriting in general, mirror personality as well as the writer’s reaction to events.

 In 1791, when he was a young sub-lieutenant, his signature was clear and legible, strong but not ostentatious. While at the height of his power, his signature was abbreviated but written with forceful strokes and heavy pressure. When his power was disappearing and he was being surrounded by disaster and defeat, Napoleon’s signature became confused. 

With the final defeat and exile to St.Helena Island, it dwindled away to a shriveled nothing. While handwriting reflects the genuine attitude of the author, the signature reflects what he wants the world at large, to think of him.

 If for example, the signature is smaller than the writing in the text, then the author wishes to be thought more modest and self-effacing than he really is. When signatures and the main text look so different that they could have been written by different people, it can mean that the writer wants to protect himself, and not give too much away.

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    • No matter how the subject or owner ages certain characteristics appear to remain unchanged. So, for example, as Napoleon underwent several personal stresses the unique shapes, slants and pressures brought into play remained identifiable as that of Napoleon Bonaparte. The central theme of his personality, ie, willful, extreme clarity of mind, the dominance of intellect remained identifiable by graphologists of the day. Even his letters while in exile on the Island of St. Helena on the east coast of Africa were subjected to famous graphologists. So, in short, even the severely debilitating arsenic poisoning he had apparently contrived through the extreme damp conditions on the Island, having released vapors of the, naturally included arsenic embedded in the wallpaper in his bedroom, ie, * Napoleon had a lethal hair arsenic concentration of 296 ppm early in 1815, several months before he died. He was seriously ill, and moribund at that time, yet his signature remained unique and fully identifiable.

      • Thanks for that most interesting and informative reply.

        My father also studied graphology, and he was telling me stuff about my writing (when I was a teenager) that I rather resented at the time. Very small characters, tightly packed together, to get more words, onto a page, he said meant that I was mean, and, not a generous person.

        He also said something about small characters, small intellect too, which annoyed me even more.

        I actually went out and bought a book on improving your handwriting, not one on graphology, and so I adopted thereafter a completely new way of writing.

        Whereas before, I used to write closed letters, like the letter ‘p”, and “b” etc unclosed, now I closed the loops completely. My style changed forever as a result of my reading that book.

        • Well, it’s like all things in life, all of them need to evolve and by you going out and developing an entirely new “persona” which you decided to present to the world at large, describes exactly what I was saying to Grace, below. Thank you for returning

    • I studied graphology long enough to realize, that it is an art form, best avoided in the presence of friends and colleagues. You see, Like a candid photograph, snapped in an unguarded moment, your signature can say more about you than you may think.

      No matter how you are taught to write in school, your signature and handwriting as well will eventually take on your own personal style, ie you may envy the writing style of a rival or competitor like a habit of turning dots into tiny circles, or hearts, or even a surprisingly light downward stroke discovered inside the signature of a Bullie.

      You may adopt those characteristics as an escape mechanism or a means of psychologically warding off conflict. Many aspects influence the final product. Often stealth and deceit play key roles in its “manufacture”. In the hands of an expert, It is these aspects, which become a unique guide to the subject’s character. Thanks for commenting, Grace.


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