Today I decided to combine the two challenges (Black and White Friday and What Color Do You Think I Am?).
I was pleasantly surprised to see many flowering amaryllises while walking through the park. I was convinced that this plant blooms in winter. If we take care of the right conditions, we can force the bulb at any time of the year, not just autumn or winter. Therefore, we can determine for ourselves when our plant will bloom.
I also didn’t know that these plants contain poison. Lycorine poison with other alkaloids present is found in bulbs. The leaves contain small amounts of poison. Toxic to dogs and cats.
What color do you think I am?
The first thing I have thought when I have seen the flower has been: YELLOW!!!!! It must be yellow. What is more, amaryllises sounds like Amarillo that means yellow in Spanish.
Thanks for the guesswork and more information. Now I know one Spanish word. 😊 You will soon find out the right answer.
You know two already!!!! Remember I told you that your name Vida means Life in Spanish
You are right. I forgot a little about my first Spanish word. I’m making good progress. 😊
I am going to guess Redwood Red. the same color as the Redwood trees in California US!
Thanks for guessing. You will soon find out the right answer.
i am certain I have guessed correctly and will be announced as the winner, since I am the only one that guessed this correct color! 😉
As you probably already know, you really are a winner. They were the only ones to guess the right color 😉😉
it is fun to guess wild and bizarre colors and then declare myself the winter!
It can be any of the listed colors …. I opted for yellow
Thank you, Lado. I will post the correct answer soon.
As usual, I missed this time as well
It’s important that you have fun.
I went with pink, I have seen many colors.
Thank you. I will try to make a collage with different colors. I saw quite a few colors of this plant in the park.
That would be gorgeous to see a collage.
Very beautiful flower! I voted for yellow.
Thank you, Ellie. You will soon find out the correct answer.
I think it’s white. 🙂
Thanks for guessing. I will post the correct answer today.