
Welcome to the new normal in dining out

Dining out will never be the same until the corona virus remains to pester us,. The social distancing is in the works and it is not convenient and sometimes very uncomfortable. In one restaurant my wife and I were asked to sit on separate tables because the rule is to have only 1 diner in a table. Considering that the table is good for 6 diners then you can easily imagine the amount of revenue that they are losing.

In the food court the usual 300 diners that can be accommodated is down to less than 100 only due to the required social distancing. The tables are far apart from each other and only 2 people are allowed to sit together in a table that usually can accommodate 6.

  • Do you dine out regularly in restaurants?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Just once to test the protocols


What do you think?

Written by Alex Socorro


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