There once was a popular actor named Jay who rode his motorcycle to borrow tapes for his vhs player. His wife admonished him to wear the crash helmet but Jay reasoned that the rental store is just inside the village. After some moments, the wife received news that Jay figured in a vehicular accident and eventually died.
The crash helmet was designed to protect the head of the rider which is the most important part of the body. When there is a crash, the rider may be injured but more likely would escape death. But in some cases, the helmet couldn’t prevent death when the impact of the crash is so great. Nevertheless, the helmet is a sign of safety that would give the rider the confidence while on the road.
Do you ride a motorcycle?
it is risky
Crash helmet is a must-have thing when riding a motorcycle or bicycle.
I wear all protective gear including leathers. (Shared your post on 3 different social media sites)
In the UK you are breaking the law if you ride a motorcycle without a helmet, and the same applies to pillion passengers. In other words it is not a choice as to whether to wear one or not – you just do!