In today’s fast paced world, where we want to purchase goods as they are seen, many people have found credit cards to be useful and valuable. A credit card is a card issued by a bank or building society allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit. That usually means, by possessing a credit card, you can purchase anything you like at anytime with the line of credit made available to you. It makes purchasing simpler.
Yet, many people are afraid of purchasing online with a credit card. Are you one of them? Some of those fears are expressed in the poll below. Enjoy it.
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Are you afraid of being scammed when you purchase online with a credit card?
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Do you think private information about you will be exposed by using a credit card online?
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Do you believe that hackers can steal your card number online?
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Are you afraid that the easy access to credit can make you overspend?
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Would you prefer to shop in a real store than shop online?
I used to have a credit card but no longer. I do not buy anything for which I need credit, so my debit card is perfectly adequate.
That’s understandable. Actually many persons like you want to take a second look at their use of credit cards.