Sometimes a trip to the urban dictionary gives me something to think about and a different perspective. I am not sure why, but this word from the urban dictionary jumped right off the page for me. Perhaps if I label the issue with a word I seem to like I can make it work better for me.
Today I am making an unprocrastination list. It a list of three things that I can actually complete if I am willing to put some time aside today and really take care of it. If I focus it can all be done within a 3 to 4 hour time line. I work a 12 hour shift at my full time job today so it will have to be done “around” that.
Why would I put something like this “here”. It helps to make me accountable for my decisions and plans. Part of the goal making progress is to share it.
Question of
Will you hold me accountable?
Question of
Do you think I can get those three things done?
Question of
Do you like the word from the urban dictionary?
I try to make goals to keep myself busy
I think it is a good idea