
Love ItLove It

Tuesday April 23rd Choices

I think today shall be all about adjusting attitude. Things are really getting rank in my little world. The bickering the is flourishing every has got to go. I somehow need to learn how to be a peacemaker. So I went and did some research. I have to say it caused me more confusion. However questions promote learning and I need to learn.

So apparently being a peacemaker and being a peacekeeper is  are very different and I need to determine which I need to bring into my world. (See how quickly things can change from simple to complicated?

So today I am going to study and learn. I am going to figure out which role in needed more in our home now. It’s gonna be an interesting day!

  • Question of

    Do you think I will be a peace maker?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you think I will be a peace keeper?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you know the difference between a peace maker and a peace keeper?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter