I opened my email today and found over 2000 emails waiting for me. I am certain at least 100 of them were probably important, but somehow I had to eliminate the clutter. I tried something new today. I searched for the word free. I got rid of 572 emails without even opening them up. That was helpful. I may have missed a free item, and it was worth the time I saved. The other word I see a lot that doesn’t often give me any great information and seems to be in a lot of spam emails is powerful. That eliminated 683 emails without opening one.
I may have missed some interesting things, and I still have a lot to go through. After I sift through whats left I think I will go through at least 100 in the trash and make sure I am not subscribed to junk.
Question of
Do you wind up with more emails than you need or want?
Question of
Do you ever unsubscribe?
Question of
Do you check email more than once a day?
This is my childhood picture.
Oh, so you like making projects as a child?