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Termites away

When we came to live in this village, we were not aware that the place is infested with termites. There are colonies in vacant lots that pester the trees. Worse, the houses were also infested and that included the old house that we bought. It took us a week to cleanse the house of termites that fortunately the wood needed just small repairs and little replacement.

When I got to know that vacant lots were nesting places of termites, I cleaned the vacant lot beside our property to check for termites. True enough, I found the nest. It is a mound of dirt that is an anthill. When I cracked open the anthill, lo and behold, the termites were like millions. That episode taught me how to clean the termites by burning the nest. But that is not all. As a preventive measure, I sprayed it with apple cider vinegar. That did it.

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Written by Alex Socorro


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