I know we have a lot of animal lovers here. Many of us owns a pet. I don’t but I do like animals. I guess many can relate to this topic, that not everyone is suitable to own a pet.
Some are too busy, some are too miser, while some are just plain irresponsible.
A friend shared a story with me today. And we both felt quite annoyed because its a sad one. Lives are lost and in a stupid way!
Her neighbour, a young couple went on a 9 days trip. They have decided that they could leave their pet rabbit and parrot at home. They think they did enough by adding more water feeders and food. They think the animals are smart enough to know that their owner will be gone for 9 days.
Unfortunately it didn’t work out. Both the parrot and the rabbit died. How did my friend know? They were caught burying the animals’ corpses, by someone.
They explained that they do not know of any “pet care”. That’s rubbish because a quick search online could find you one, just that it cost money.
Some people just are not responsible enough to own pets!
Question of
Are you angry when you read this?
Question of
Do you think it’s a good reason that they gave?
Question of
Do you think if its a 5 years old child that they would do the same and leave her unattended for 9 days?
Many people today are depressed and do not attend to their pets the way they should. A thought provoking post!
I’m you think this post is thought provoking.
I agree that many aren’t that ready to attend to pets …
Users voted 6 times.
Q: Are you angry when you read this?
Yes (5 votes) – 71%
No (2 votes) – 29%
Q: Do you think it’s a good reason that they gave?
Yes (2 votes) – 33%
No (4 votes) – 67%
Q: Do you think if its a 5 years old child that they would do the same and leave her unattended for 9 days?
Yes (4 votes) – 67%
No (2 votes) – 33%
I agree with you completely! Animals require a lot of responsibility and commitment. Unfortunately, a lot of people claim they love animals and keep them for their own selfish needs. People like that will probably just replace the animal that’s dead without thinking twice.
If they’re so irresponsible, they should never “replace” any dead pets …
Many people aren’t ready to be owners, they just like the cute look/side of the animals but doesn’t want to deal with the rest.
Exactly. Especially some people who take exotic pets.
Breaks my heart to read stories like this. I agree with you. 🙁
Yes, it’s sad …
when I hear stories like these, I would rather they “abandon” their pets because at least they have a chance of getting out and helping themselves instead of waiting to die in the cage!
Such people can leave even their own child under such conditions. How sorry for the animals. Whenever I am away from home for a long period, I stay with my loved one to take care of my canary.
That should be the case. The animals cannot leave the cages to look for food or water … they’ll just die. Some people are just not responsible enough nor are they ready for the commitment.
I agree with you some people should not own the pets
I guess they’re just not responsible enough yet