
Love ItLove It

So sad

Yesterday I heard that my good friends dogs got lose and we posted about it to see if anyone has seen them. Diamond one of the dogs made it home but was hurt from getting into a fight with something the other dog sadly didn’t make it. I just found out today that she was hit by a car not to far from home. So it sounds like she was trying to make it. They are so heart broken right now and I know how it is to lose a pet. I wished them the best and that they will be feeling better soon.

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Written by Hillary Ralston


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  1. I saw so many of my dear furry friends depart to the other side. And every time one goes, I swear never to get one again because, a pet is a guarantee of heartbreak, a short distance down the road. I have two, right now and the road ahead fr them both is a short one. My wife and I both know what’s going to happen so we just make their lives comfortable, hoping they will stay just a bit longer…


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