It happens. Things get busy and we get frustrated. Soon we are grumbling and in a bit of a bad mood. Well, it does happen and it doesn’t have to stay that way. You can try any these these simple seven things to change focus and get head in a different direction and a better mood.
1. Exercise in a way you don’t normally do. Go swimming. Take a little hike. Go to the park and play one the equipment. Jump rope. Get moving doing something “different”.
2. Approach something from a different angle. Walk backwards. Find an answer then make up the question that fits it. Lay in the grass and watch the clouds float by.
3. Clean up some clutter. If you don’t have any help a neighbor with theirs.
4. Eat something healthy just because you should.
5. Forgive yourself for some mistake that you have been holding on to. You don’t have to inform or include anyone else.
6. Hum a song, the whole thing. (Yes, if there are 5 verses hum all 5 verses.)
7. Set a timer for 3 minutes and smile forcefully until the timer goes off.
Question of
Did you try it?
Question of
Can you see a reason to do it?
Question of
Are you always happy?
I do not know who said this quote which is something like “How you react to a bad situation determines your success or failure.” It could have been a former National Football League coach that is either alive or deceased,
Great article , It really beneficial for all
Great ways to help elevate our mood.