
Love ItLove It

Saturday Critters – Don't get too close!

1/60 sec of Kitty’s / Maya’s life is a project I started some time ago.  As I said, I’ll try to post a moment of my pets’ life.  A moment that last no more than the exposure time of this photo,1/60 sec. But do you know what? Life is a sum of these moments.

For today I choose a photo of Maya in the Chindia Park. Maya became extremely “serious” after cervical spine surgery. She is not so playful anymore and most of the time she likes to sit and watch everything that is happening around her!

I have a challenge for you. Try to guess what Maya was looking at.

  • Do you have any idea what caught Maya’s attention?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Ileana Calotescu



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  1. Well hello Maya. Can you please tell me what has grabbed your eye and attention like this? Tell your mommy to enlighten me please… Nonetheless dear Maya you sure took a nice picture sitting and staring beyond the camera…

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