We lost Preiti a year ago leaving behind indelible, beautiful memories. She gave us company for twelve years.
Preiti was never trained but after the initial puppy tantrums she turned out to be a perfect lady. She never begged for food but sat at the foot of the table until we finished eating. She followed us everywhere.
Preiti was fond of her Vet. She wagged her tail the moment he walked in. Once there was a bone stuck in her palette. She did not let me do anything but the Vet put his hand inside her mouth and she let him do it.
Preiti did not suffer but died peacefully after losing a lot of weight as she had stopped eating but was alert till the very end.
We have had many pets before but Preiti was special.
Any memories of your pets to share?
She was a wonderful and adorable doggy and I am glad you have the memories. My first cat a girl named Cha Cha had respiratory problems and died in my arms after 12 years. So when my boy Sid who I brought all the way from Latvia to Florida just went off to meet his maker after 13 years I was happy about it because I did not have to see him die.
How did your little boy Sid die It is nice to see them go off like that without any suffering.
He just wandered off and I never saw him again. I knew he had gone off to die quietly as many cats do. He was suffering from missing his Papa my late husband a lot. I knew that all he wanted to do was to join his Papa and you know me and the world beyond I know they are now together. I am considering eventually adopting another cat.
Nice way of looking at it.
Our Lolly has disappeared but he is young.
Well I hope your Lolly comes back home to you
This has happened to us before and that cat returned after 3 years but Preiti who was so friendly with him earlier did not accept him.
Awww.. 12 years is a good ripe age in dog years. Probably she is at peace right now.
She never suffered and that is a great consolation for us. I felt she just wanted to go.