Owning a vacation home is not even a dream for most people. Most people are happy to own one primary residence. So the idea of having enough money to be able to purchase a second home and use it for vacation? Yeah right. Elvis Presley is my great uncle on my mother’s side of the family. NOT!
Although many can’t afford a vacation home, some of us can afford a vacation. Some of us even go on vacation every year. So some genius came up with the idea of a timeshare property.
A timeshare property is “the arrangement whereby several joint owners have the right to use a property as a vacation home under a time-sharing agreement”.
That basically means a bunch of people all pay into owning the very same piece of property and share it throughout the year for vacation. So one owner can plan their vacation for 2 weeks in June. The other owner can plan their vacation for 2 weeks in September. Also, in case you don’t want or can’t take your scheduled vacation, you can rent out your timeshare. Sounds great! Doesn’t it?
Don’t you think owning a timeshare property is an excellent real estate investment idea for people who can’t afford a vacation home?
Buy Timeshare Resales For Sale By Owner Up To 50% Off
~ https://t.co/X3rC8MA8Xp@Buy_A_Timeshare is the online leader connecting #timeshare #buyers and #renters with timeshare owners/sellers. #timeshareproperty #realestate #vacation #investment pic.twitter.com/2HGvNKYjKC— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 1, 2019
Timeshares: Dream vacation or money pit? https://t.co/HT9H1ZHLVA
via @investopedia— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 1, 2019
What is a Timeshare and How Does it Work? | Timeshares Only Bloghttps://t.co/EdDvaH0XfT
"Also called “vacation ownership,” a timeshare is a resort or vacation property that is split into shared ownership, or fractional ownership …"— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 1, 2019
What Is a Timeshare and Is It a Financial Risk in 2019? A timeshare can offer a good, reliable vacation experience, or lead to significant financial risk. ~ https://t.co/CxvKKxu9vI via @TheStreet
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 1, 2019
These are the top five places to buy your next vacation home. https://t.co/Q9ur1kCdjh
— Christine McGuire (@cmacg63) May 30, 2019
Best Places to Buy a Luxury Vacation Home https://t.co/oTJt2UUI1J #luxury #buy #places
— Ocean Home Magazine (@oceanhomemag) June 1, 2019
Thinking of buying a #vacation home? https://t.co/8qn3m3z3mi#accounting #advising #moneymanagement #moneymatters #home #house #realestate #invest #cpa #portercpas #hwv #huntingtonwv #WednesdayWisdom
— Porter & Associates CPAs (@PorterCPAs) May 23, 2019
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Question of
Would you like to invest in a timeshare property?
Question of
Would you like to buy a second home or vacation home?
I can’t afford it at the moment but probably in the coming days. Thank you for sharing this idea.
Maybe if I win the lottery! 🙂
There has to be at least a million other people thinking the same thing. LOL. I dream of a vacation home in The Bahamas. It’ll never happen. But it’s fun dreaming.
Yes we must all keep dreaming.
Good information about property , thank you for sharing