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Real Estate Investing: Timeshare Property versus Vacation Home

Owning a vacation home is not even a dream for most people.  Most people are happy to own one primary residence.  So the idea of having enough money to be able to purchase a second home and use it for vacation?  Yeah right.  Elvis Presley is my great uncle on my mother’s side of the family.  NOT!

Although many can’t afford a vacation home, some of us can afford a vacation.  Some of us even go on vacation every year.  So some genius came up with the idea of a timeshare property.

A timeshare property is “the arrangement whereby several joint owners have the right to use a property as a vacation home under a time-sharing agreement”.

That basically means a bunch of people all pay into owning the very same piece of property and share it throughout the year for vacation.  So one owner can plan their vacation for 2 weeks in June.   The other owner can plan their vacation for 2 weeks in September.  Also, in case you don’t want or can’t take your scheduled vacation, you can rent out your timeshare. Sounds great!  Doesn’t it?

Don’t you think owning a timeshare property is an excellent real estate investment idea for people who can’t afford a vacation home?

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