Particularly in temperate areas, spring is the time when many animals have their young. That can be birds, reptiles, or amphibians hatching out of eggs or mammals giving birth. It is understandable that this would be the key time for the young because they have an abundance of food and the most time possible to grow and become strong before cold weather arrives.
These questions relate to the new life in the spring.
Question of
Which do you most associate with the spring?
Baby bunnies
Ducklings or goslings
Question of
Which wild baby animals have you actually seen in the spring?
Deer fawns
Bear cubs
Wild goose goslings
Baby wild turkeys
More than one of these
All of these
None of these
Question of
Do you ever think of baby animals when you think of spring?
i love these deer and rabbit
Do you mean the pictures I used in the poll?
The two ideas that cross my mind when spring comes is the survival of the winter past and spring training for baseball players.
I hadn’t even thought of the baseball angle.
Yes that is true since baseball is the back pages of the news at this time.
That explains it. I don’t get newspapers and the only sports I follow is the NBA and the NFL.
I used to play Little League Baseball when I was living in Panama which explains my love for baseball.
Our pastor has coached local little league for several years. I wouldn’t mind seeing a live game, either. I just get bored watching it on TV. At least it isn’t as boring as golf. LOL
Such a lovely poll! Now I can’t wait for all the cute baby animals to be seen in spring.
It won’t be much longer. Many of the deer I’m seeing are does that are obviously pregnant.
Lucky you! I think I haven’t seen deers apart from the zoo.
It is rare for a day to go by without seeing at least one deer here. We have them begging for apples. lol
i just clicked what i think not about right or wrong
That is exactly the best way to answer.
Baby birds is my first thought, bluebirds! But love all of the animal babies
The spruce tree just outside our place seems to be a favorite nesting site for birds. Robins, chickadees, and ring-necked doves all nest there. I don’t get to see the babies until they fledge, though.