Although shoes are normally functional, many people use them as a fashion statement. Still, shoes are often necessary. In the summer, many people might go barefoot of choice in places that are warm enough, but in the snow, on rocky ground, when mountain climbing or hiking, and so forth, the proper footwear can substantially change the experience from negative to positive.
Footwear has also changed significantly over time. At the time of Jesus, most people wore either no shoes or sandals. Today, there is a dizzying assortment of shoe styles; running shoes, deck shoes, sneakers, casual shoes, hiking boots, high-top boots, corks, platforms, high-heels, dress shoes, slippers, flip-flops, sandals, and the list goes on.
Many people have a lot pairs of shoes. Other people may only have one or two pairs. Some people buy name brands and don’t think anything of spending a lot of money for the brand name. Other people are thrifty and purchase shoes that are the least expensive. Still others balance expense and craftsmanship so as to purchase shoes that last as long as possible, for the least amount of money possible.
This poll is about shoes and footwear.
Question of
How many pairs of shoes do you normally have at any given time (including slippers and boots)?
5 or more
I have over 10 pairs of shoes
Question of
When do you buy new shoes?
When I see a pair that I like
When the old pair is wearing out
When the shoes go on sale
I usually have extra pairs so I don’t need to buy new ones often
Question of
Some brands are quite expensive in comparison to other brands of the same style of shoes. For instance, Nike and Converse tend to be much more expensive for sports shoes than many other brands. Do you buy name brand shoes?
Yes, I have favorite brands
I have in the past, but currently don’t
I really don’t care what the brand is
I refuse to pay extra for the brand name
Question of
Do you tend to wear the same pair of shoes day after day?
Question of
How often do you buy a new pair of shoes, on average?
Once a month or more often
Once or twice every three months or so
Once or twice a year
Less often than once per year
lovely post dear i like it
I like this the pole. It is nice to know how often do we use or wear a pair of shoes. c”,)
I am glad that you liked it
It’s my pleasure, my friend. c”,)
Great poll….I wear the same pair most of the time…just regular walking shoes. I have a few fancy pairs, but they aren’t too comfortable so I only wear them on special occasions.
I have a pair of athletic shoes and a pair of low-top boots that I wear frequently. I usually wear the shoes one day and the boots the next, so they each get a day to rest between being worn. Just doing that one thing has really cut down on my back pain.
Never would have thought of doing that….great idea!
I am more about comfort than style these days. I wear my walking shoes a lot, trying to count my steps.
I also wear what is comfortable, usually athletic shoes, except in winter. Brand names have never impressed me. When I see a $150 price tag on a pair of athletic shoes, I shake my head in wonder over the people who have so much money that they’d buy them.
I know, I would always wait for the sale when buying for Dustin.
NICE SHOTS! They are all perfect. I got one wrong, you got me with maple.
Excellent poll, but photo with a cat is wonderful
I rather liked that picture, too, and couldn’t resist including it. lol