This pink rose was part of a beautiful bouquet I received awhile back unexpectedly. Flowers are always nice to receive. And when you are surprised at the delivery it seems to make them even more special. I hope you all have a wonderful day. The weather is turning cooler here finally. The fireplace is going. A nice day for me. I enjoy this time of the year.
Like my Grandmother used to tell me… Be thankful for what you have. You will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. Savor the little things in life.
Photo ©CarolDM
Have you received an unexpted flower delivery?
This flower clutch made me perfume the day so well
So beautiful! I rarely receive flowers, but they always make me happier.
I’ve always been grateful for what I have – a very beautiful rose
I agree with your grandmother. Be thankful for a little of what we have.
This is a very beautiful rose.
Thank you so much my friend.
Carol, that was a great surprise … the roses are gorgeous
Yes it was, thank you very much.
Very nice rose, thank you Carol.
Thanks Robin, it was beautiful.