It seems to me that everywhere I turn no one seems to respect my time. It may comes as a surprise to some. People have a lot of things to do and their time is just as valuable as yours. One of the things I liked when I started writing here is that I could write any time. It may take a long time to approve,but I could load it on the site. There were not as many glitches.
In the supermarket today a woman said “You need to step aside, I have things to do.” Really who doesn’t have things that need to be done. Once a minute ticks by it’s gone and you can’t get it back. It cannot be replaced.
How can you show people that you respect their time?
Question of
Are you respectful of others’ time?
Question of
Do you make people wait?
Question of
Is time worth more than money?
I try my best to assist others when they need my assistance even though it cuts out my time some of the time.