
Love ItLove It

Nature Tuesday – Doves 2014

This was taken in an art gallery in Manurewa in 2014, a pair of doves. I have always liked doves and this is a couple who seem very happy together.

Sometimes I think animals and birds have more sense than people do. They focus on what really matters in life instead of superficial appearances.

If you let your own light, “Shine”, instead of being something you are not, then you give others permission to do the same. You do have a life and light of your own and it does not belong to anyone else. It is unique and can’t be copied, ever.

It is a wonderful world in nature where everything has a purpose and life continues. Birds in the air, animals that walk on the earth and fish and marine life in the sea. All life forms are different and meant to be different. 

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Written by Pamela Moresby


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