Last night I did not sleep at all because of a horrible stomach pain! It seems my stomach ulcer wanted to remind me that it is present and that I should pay more attention to it. But I don’t want to talk about my stomach ulcer, I want to talk about the “Blue Hour“. I remembered the ulcer just because it made it possible to be awake and witness a wonderful moonset during the blue hour.
According to Wikipedia “The blue hour is the period of twilight in the morning or evening when the Sun is at a significant depth below the horizon and residual, indirect sunlight takes on a predominantly blue shade.”
These photos were taken right before the sun pops up in the morning.
Have you seen the moon last night?
How couldn’t I notice and look at such moon that night? ?
Beautiful photo! ?
Maybe you slept at that hour or maybe it was cloudy!?
? I was being sarcastic, I saw that big moon, it really got my attention. ?
Thanks you for being sarcastic, in this case! ?(According to english dictionary, sarcastic = given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt )
Aww, then I was just being ironic because I didn’t mean to mock or convey contempt. Ironic sounds like something made of iron and I tend to avoid that word. Silly me. ? Thanks for pointing that out!
Amazing photograph here. Wow wow wow. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you, Kim! It was a wonderful view! The moon was larger than ever and seemed very close to the earth.
The moonset image on this site is awesome.
Thank you very much! I’m glad you like it!
My pleasure to praise your great work.
blue skies and red moons- it is like you are on another planet
It’s just the “Blue Planet” before the sun rises.?
sure, but it doesn’t look like home to me
I heard you are supposed to eat dairy if you have an ulcer to coat the stomach. I hope you have confirmed it’s an ulcer, and not something else, like a gallbladder issue!!
It is an ulcer diagnosed many years ago. It always happens to have pain in the Spring.
This is spectacular my friend. And please take care of your ulcer.
Thank you Carol! I was a little negligent. I feel better now.