I love it when I learn something new and this word was new to me. Mondegreen. According to the defination I located it means “a word or phrase that is misinterpreted as another word or phrase, usually with an amusing result “. I am not sure if that means the person is saying it wrong or the person is hearing it wrong. Maybe it is interchangeable.
How the word was created was kind of interesting to me. Apparently it came from the Scottish ballad `The Bonny Earl of Murray’, in which the line laid him on the green can be misheard as Lady Mondegreen.
I was still a bit confused so I went searching for some examples. Here are a few I found.
“I led the pigeons to the flag” (I pledge allegiance to the flag) “to the Republic for witches’ dance” (for which it stands) “invisible” (indivisible) and “liver tea and just us four, all” (liberty and justice for all).
This is one of my favorites.
“There’s a bathroom on the right” Now think about Credence Clearwater Rival …… Give it a moment.
“There’s a bad moon on the rise” .
Now this makes me smile.
Question of
Did you know about this word?
Question of
Can you think of more examples of mondegreens?
Question of
Does this amuse you?
Interesting things to question.
This was both interesting and amusing, thank you for sharing!
I am sure the character that Dorothea Gillim created which is Wordgirl who is based when Dorothea was a child learning the meaning of words would approve of this post.