
Momo Challenge Fatal Game – Poll

Washington: A dangerous game named Momo Challenge once again started raising in many countries, including the US. There is video on YouTube that is directing children to suicide. Japanese Special effect Company link factory, Momo’s photo was started using from an unknown person for misconduct on social media.

The game called Blue Well was causing the death of children before momo, The Blue Whale Challenge Players are given one of the toughest tasks in a year and last task is suicide. Blue Whale Game was developed by a young Russian teenager and government of Russia has been imprisoned for a year.

The victims of this game is from various countries around the world in Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Georgia, India, Italy, Kenya, Pakistan, Paraguay, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, USA and Uruguay.

  • Question of

    Will you Say no to momo challenge game ?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will you save other’s people from this game ?

    • Yes
    • No


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