People change and circumstances grow different. There comes a time in relationships when one person is carrying the burden. That is normal, it gives the other person a rest. However if it turns into one person holding the relationship together, it’s no longer a relationship. It is hard to say goodbye and still harder to feel every day you are doing enough or saying the right things to help your friend or loved one. What happens then?
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Should you just slowly and quietly disappear?
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Is confrontation needed?
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Is knowing when to leave the same for everyone?
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Has this happened to you?
Usually time to leave when there are fights. If the relationship is peaceful just leave it.
It is not always easy to walk away from a bad relationship but for the sake of peace of mind, It is a better way.
It’s an art, it’s not easy to find a good timing to walk away sometimes. 😛
That photo beautifully illustrates the idea of walking away. I was married 40 years before my first loved one passed. There was one time early on when we both had difficult jobs and no time to really be there for each other. For a moment I thought of breaking up, but I also knew that was a time when he really needed me, so I resolved to wait until his current crisis was over before making a decision. But when he got through that one difficulty he became the ideal husband and remained that way throughout the rest of our marriage. Think what I would have missed had I given up on him.