These days it is not at all easy to raise kids. Every kid demands a lot of care, attention, and money. The greatest matter of concern is the increased expenses. It is not easy to bear the financial load to two kids.
So, is it important to go for a second child so as to give a sibling to the first one? Especially when you know that you will not be able to meet the expenses and life of everyone will be nothing but hell.
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A second child is imporatnt even if it is a big fianacial burden
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A sibling is more important than the financial crisis
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One should plan a second child only if he can meet the expenses
I think a second child should depend not only the financial capability but also on the emotional capability of the parents.
To each his own, a personal question.
I want to know what people feel about this.
Excellent picture and poll. I am for three children. It’s a prolific playback.
That means you are in favor of having more than one child
Of course, it’s important to have second, third, and even more children.I think that anyone can afford at least two children.If there is money for one child will be for the second.The baby will make your love stronger,days shorter, longer nights,savings lesser,home cheerful,past neglected..and the future wort living.
hmm.. Yeah I Agree with you… Hope me too two kids, but i’m single hahah.
If you are one … then correct that mistake..Let your children have their brothers and sisters .
But what about the cost of raising kids these days
If there is money for one child, you will have it for the second child Children are wealth.
You will know the concerns after you will have your first child
I will try to rethink over my decision