Oh I am tired of all of this and now we have even more drama. I watched much of the impeachment hearing and I thought that the absence of Nancy Pelosi spoke volumes. The real work, standing there and being the chairman and keeping things in order she assigned to someone else. Then when all the work was done, she came waltzing in, fresh, rested and ready to take credit. What a grand entrance. Then she dropped the bombshell.
“We will make our decision as to when we’re going to send — when we see what they’re doing on the Senate side, but that’s a decision that we will make jointly,” she said.
So now you are holding it up? Who is really in charge?
Question of
If you are a US citizen do you want the government to be funded?
Question of
If you are a US citizen do you want healthcare to be taken care of?
Question of
If you are a US citizen do you wonder if anyone is working on your behalf?
Mad–am Speaker was like the fundamental granny shushing her kids at church, when the House Dems cheered and clapped after the impeachment vote. It was supposed to be a “solemn and somber moment in history. Humbug!
It seems to be more like a dog and pony show.
Yeah, and that, too.
Don’t worry – politics can be maddening at times, but this will soon pass like all of the rough patches the USA has gone through.
I fear it will continue for years.
I will again refrain from sharing my opinion. 🙂
I completely respect that and please note this was written with the hope that people outside if virily might come here and read.