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Impatient waiting

Sometimes things happen so that waiting becomes one of the greatest joys you have. Has it never occurred to you that it alone would scare away all your hard thoughts, help you endure even the darkest of moments, or push forward a bit time that stuck? I’m talking about those expectations that color the world, even when it wants to be gray.

I am talking about waiting, which by its very existence makes you smile, laugh, live – because you can wait. You know what you are waiting for, how much you are waiting for, and most importantly, you know that moment will surely come. It is best if you know even the exact day, the exact minute when your little world will be shaken again by the great and the real joy.

I waited for a couple of months after I booked a vacation. And the days went by so slowly … and I so wanted to shake that stupid calendar, to accuse the watch of mocking me. But the waiting, silent as the angel lay on my shoulder, whispered soft words: everything will be fine, look, two more hours have passed.

Every morning I counted all the days I still had to wait, and when I realized that there was one less than yesterday, I smiled all the way to my ears. Still, time is passing. Maybe slower than usual, maybe annoying, but probably just because the culmination of that wait would be even more impressive. To make the joy even stronger. For the heart to truly fall into the heels when what you so desire will become a reality.

Now it’s only three days away. I know they are going to be the slowest. Any difference? I already live with that. And I can no longer count days, but hours. And then, in the early morning, the plane will take off.

© Fortune, 2019

  • Time is passing too slowly when you are waiting for something, right?

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Written by Fortune