
Idigo Adults

I had been looking forward to Indigo week. I had been searching for pictures and trying to determine what really qualified as indigo. Then things happened. The carbon monoxide monitor went off so we had to leave the house and have the professionals come in.  I grabbed my supplies and did some research and wrote out my post on something I found interesting.

I am going to post it now! I didn’t anything about “Indigo Adults”.  Here is what I learned.

Indigo adults often feel close to animals and nature. You may notice that they tend to donate to charities that benefit animals more so than people. 

Indigoes often have beautiful gardens and water features in and around their homes. They connect, respect and draw strength from nature.

According to the few experts in this field indigo people have a need to know the reasoning behind every request to have it settle in their mind and heart.  Typically indigo people have to find a strong purpose to embrace to be fulfilled. They often struggle with bouts of depression.

  • Do you know anyone you might describe as an Indigo Adult?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter