
I miss Preiti

It is over a year since our pet Preiti left us.  I miss her so.  She was very much a part of whatever happened around. She mingled and mixed with workers, loved people and most important of all she never wanted to be alone. 

We had to hide her before leaving the house.  She guessed when I was getting ready to go out and she would stick around all the more.  

We never let her alone in the house  There was always someone.  Once it became necessary for me to lock the house.  The tv was kept on and  also the fan.  She slept in the bedroom and thought there was someone in the house. 

  • Can your pet stay alone in the house?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by grace


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  1. Losing a pet can be very painful and sad. It was easier this time when I lost my last cat, Sid. He was missing his Papa and only wanted to be with him so I comfort myself that they are now together and very happy.


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