Most of us have heard about the rule of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking is a real fetish of the modern world: drink more water to lose weight and be healthy! Actually, this idea is inspired by reputable doctors and the celebrities who happily got rid of a load of extra pounds.
Meanwhile, water is not as useful as it seems, and sometimes even harmful. More cautious and attentive to the nuances researchers find it difficult to accurately indicate how much water you need to drink daily. So, the American National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determines an approximate adequate amount of water intake: approximately 3.7 L for males, and approx 2.7 L for females.
It is estimated that 80% of this amount is absorbed into the body along with any drinks, and 20% from solid foods (vegetables or fruits).
Credit for the image: Pixabay
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Do you care about your daily water intake?
I think we should only drink when thirsty, our body knows what it needs, in theory. It might not be the case when aging, seniors seem to lose their sense of thirst, so they have to be reminded.
Modern food has way more salt than it used to be. Soda can also contain salt, it’s actually easy to be dehydrated nowadays, despite being thirsty.
I guess truth is somewhere in between. ?
I drink about 1.5 liters of water every day (lemonade, tea … all without sugar)
I don’t look at any research … I drink when I’m thirsty .. sometimes if it’s really hot I also drink something by force even though I’m not thirsty
Yes I agree, I have been told by my doctor to drink 8 glasses per day.
Great information here , thanks
We need to drink as much as we need, I drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday.