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House plants do not clean the air

House plants do not clean the air says a new study.  Some years ago NASA had recommended a number of plants to improve air quality at home. There were articles all over the internet about these house plants and the spider plant was even called the oxygen plant.

However, the new study ( path breaking study they call it) says house plants do not positively impact the air quality. Those claims made earlier about plants cleansing the air ‘are overrated and a myth’ it says.

This new study also mentions that it would take up to 93 plants for every sq. foot of floor space to clean the air. Individual plants do soak up toxins in the air the study says, but the impact is negligible.

I really wouldn’t care too much about these studies, growing plants does more than clean up air, it has various other positive impact on our physical and mental health. Gardening reduces stress, it has been proved and in the recent news I read that doctors now prescribe growing plants to reduce anxiety and stress related illnesses.

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    Would you stop having house plants because some studies say they don’t make a significant impact?

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Written by Dawn


  1. Our house is surrounded by plants and we have clear glass windows. I do know there are a few plants that help the environment. I have not paid much attention as the area around us is not at all polluted.

    • You are so blessed to live in a clean environment, we live amid pollution and toxicity everyday. My friends and I have to constantly fight with people and governments cutting trees.

    • I guess fresh herbs in a winter is a important for you who live on the other side of the globe, for us we are blessed with them all year through. Thank you Howard Faxon for stopping by.