I completely understand that his little area of the storage unit needs to be taken care of. Still I was shocked that he announced he had death cleaning to take care of. I guess my husband is planning on passing away soon. Perhaps all the visits to the hospital with my brother has made him concerned about his passing.
I had never heard the term before and so I had to research it. I think it’s kind to have everything taken care of so your family doesn’t have to hassle with more things after your passing.
Question of
Have you heard of death cleaning?
Question of
Do you think it’s a good idea?
A good idea, I am working toward this direction too although still young.
Never heard it called that but I agree with we should all get prepared for when we leave. It is hard on loved ones when you leave a mess for others. I hope your brother is doing ok.
He was reading dictionary.com I am certain. It’s one of the “new words”. Occasionally he comes in here and gets on the computer.