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Hearing each other

Living in our own bubble, as it is fashionable to say in a “comfort zone” these days, we sometimes don’t even try to get out of it, pierce a hole and see what the world really is. 

And the world is all over diverse, certainly not always comfortable, cute and fluffy, certainly not as pink as it seemed to me many years ago. The world is full of challenges that sometimes throw you down, the world is full of people who have the ability and talent to lie so beautifully, but the worst part is that everyone values each other the way he/she look, how he or she is dressed, and what the face of he/she is…

We stopped listening and hearing each other.

We stopped listening and hearing each other. We no longer trust each other, we get angry, we are jealous… But it must be understood that this is not the most important. The most important thing is not titles, no money, no honor and no appearance.

The most important in life is to be able to listen and hear each other. Because only by listening to each other, we can feel that we are alive and want to live, to share, and to help each other…

© Fortune, 2020

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Written by Fortune


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