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Having a guard dog

Our idea of a guard dog is a dog that is kept inside the house. When there is an intruder, the dog would definitely bark to alert the people in the home. If the dog is loose outside the house, the bad elements have a way of circumventing the guard dog by using poison or perhaps familiarity with the dog. At any rate, the guard should be inside the house for its own protection.

It is a pity to see a guard dog tied by the gate of a fenced home. They say that it is cruelty to animals but some people are still doing it. How could a guard dog do its duty when it is tied. How can the dog chase the intruder? The dog would be an easy target for the intruder and it is a pity if the dog is harmed. I wish there would be a law against having the dog tied by the gate.

  • Do you have a dog?

    • Yes
    • only a cat
    • No


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Written by Alex Socorro


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