
Love ItLove It

Happy Happy Joy Joy ~ Song

Since the Embed feature is gone, I am sharing a funny video for anyone who needs a smile. 🙂

I have shared this one before, but I thought it might be time to share again. 

Ren & Stimpy was a cartoon I used to watch years ago. 

Enjoy! Happy Happy Joy Joy! 🙂

🎬🎥 Click here for the video:   HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY ~ VIDEO

  • Enjoy the video? We all need a smile, agree?

    • 1. Yes I loved the video 🙂
    • 2. No smiles for me. 🙁
    • 3. I could not understand the video.


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Carol DM


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  1. We have a special need for laughs and smiles.
    Here’s a joke from me:
    Wife to her husband:
      “What was that painter?”
    I painted the kitchen for one day,
    and in the case of the neighbor the three days
      he painted and never got anywhere –
      Well woman,
    you are 60,
    and the neighbor is 22.


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