That is the power of the Zero Zero as you know was a gift by India to the world. What you see in the title has another way of expressing it – Rs. 20 lakh crores.
This is how a zero defines a number
3 zeros in 1,000 – One Thousand, 4 zeros in 10,000 – ten thousand, 5 zeros in 100,000 – one lakh (100 thousand), 6 zeros in 10,00,000 – 10 lakhs,(1 million), 7 zeros in 10,000,000 – 1 crore (10 million), 8 zeros in 100,000,000 – 10 crores (100 million), 9 zeros in 1,000,000,000 – 100 crores (1 Billion), 10 zeros in 10,000,000,000 – thousand crores (10 Bilion), 11 zeros in 100,000,000,000 – 10,000 crores (100 Billion),12 zeros in 1,000,000, 000,000 – 1 Lakhh crores (1 Trillion), 13 Zeros in 10,000,000,000,000 – 10 lakh crores (10 trillion)
In Rs 20 Lakh Crore, therefore, there are 13 zeros (Rs 20 Lakh Crore = 10 Lakh Crore x 2).
Would you know how much this number would be in US Dollars?
This money corresponds to 263,819,160,000.00 USD. I will wait for the answer.
My search gave this number $265,197,400,000 – more or less the same as yours.
I don’t know how much it is but converted to my country’s currency, it is a lot of money.
I will give the answer later. Hopefully there will be others attempting to give the answer.
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