
Fruit production

The basic task of the winter cut is to establish a balance between fertility and vegetative growth. In the same year, a good and quality generation, normal vegetative growth and education of sufficiently generous buds for the next year must be educated. Fruit must not be pruned by heart. It’s better not to cut trees, but cut them wrong.Fruit production is performed in order to educate fruit crowns, regulate fertility and rejuvenate fruit trees. According to the time of execution, the cut may be summer and winter. Fruits are cut in the time of biological rest, from decay of leaves to movement of buds. Later cuts adversely affect the development of fruit trees. It can exceptionally be justified in excessively lush and awkward fruit trees that need to reduce lubricity. In the case of fruit species that are blooming before and which can damage late spring frosts, subsequent cutting, after assessing possible damage, can also be justified.The severity of the cut depends primarily on the fruit variety and the age of the fruit. The younger trees are more lush and less pruned. Fruits that are not born should be minimally pruned, branch and lettuce should be increased.

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Written by Branka Drobnjak