So even though the standing pose tied with this pose in the poll, I decided to do this one first because it is unique and has more going on thematically. But I will still do the standing pose as well, after I finish this one
Question of
does this look finished to you?
Question of
can you tell she is sitting on a powder keg?
those eyes are way too small for any reasonable level of detail
If there are only six pixels to play with, you don’t have enough room for a highlight. Try it yourself if you don’t believe me…
if it is possible, I do it and when it isn’t then I don’t
If the eyes are large enough, then I can play with them but when they are only a few pixels of information there, you can’t really do anything
when I work in preview mode, there isn’t enough information to add hotspots but when I work in release mode there is four times as much information so it works
800 x 618 is a quarter of 3300 x 2550 (8.5×11) and even though I reduce that back to preview size I have enough information to do hotspots at fullsize
quick recap- WIPs with small eyes might not get hightlights but the final versions will…
Tweaking the kegs is the only thing I see it needs.
I am on it, thanks for the confirmation
You are always welcome.
the new blasting kegs are up now
Good plan. Firestarters are a bit notorious around here because the all the wildfires that are still blazing as a result of a serial arsonist’s recent lunacy.
I needed another title regardless…
The female character looks like a female buccaneer.
She is indeed a buccaneer, and a crazy one to boot
Since my native Panama is known for its legacy of pirates like Sir Henry Morgan burning down Panama City a long time ago.
Yeah, they loved Panama, but Panama didn’t love them back…
That is true. That is why I created my original character Donna and Debi Isthmus and their family friend Isthmus Squirrel to form the super hero team “The Lexicon Bandits.” in fan fictions.
That does make it more interesting.
I am going to tweak the kegs somewhat so it is more obvious