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Family portrait

In the olden days, the family portrait is usually taken during the Christmas season. The rich would hire a photographer to do the shoot in their home. The family portrait is meant to reflect not only their appearance but the kind of family that they have since the backdrop is the home. But during those days, a family portrait means cost because photography is not as common as now where every mobile phone has a camera that can be used for that purpose.

The craze now for the family portrait is not the formal attire anymore. It has become a costume affair for the Christmas family photo that the members get dressed in a uniform color and some even wear a theme like being clad in the middle ages look. Lucky are the younger generation that they can have photos since birth that was deprived of the toddlers in the olden times.

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Written by Alex Socorro


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  1. Family portraits are a way of preserving memories. Just like every year school when class pictures are taken and we see ourselves grow up from Kindergarten to graduation day along with all our friends.

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