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Do you know the reason behind his tears.?

It is a great honor to represent your country in any field of life. It is even bigger proud mount when someone get this oppurtunity at the age of just sixteen. The young man you see in the picture is named Naseem Shah. At the age of 16, he got a test cap yesterday. Receiving a test cap from Waqar Younis, he could not control his emotions and break into tears. Do you know why.? Because just one week ago he suffered the biggest accident of his life. His mother passed away a week ago and, being in Australia,  he could not attend the funeral of his mother. Yesterday many people on social media were praising the courage and enthusiasm of this young man.


  • Question of

    Would you appreciate the enthusiasm and courage of this boy.?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is there a greater trauma than the death of parents.?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by SRShah


  1. There are many traumas we experience in life and if life goes as it should then the death of one or both parents is usually the first trauma of out lives but there might be others that come even before this