
Love ItLove It WINWIN


So I have done a whole bunch of thinking and I have a found a solution that will work for me. I guess it comes down to depending on yourself and things you have control over and simply letting the rest fall to the wayside. This has lightened my load and changed my focus. I have my rose colored glasses on and I am going to let go of things I have no control over. I have new expectations of others. I expect nothing. This is my journey and some may come and go at will. That’s fine. I am ultimately alone on this life journey and that must be way it was designed to be.  I am going to do what is best for me and hope that no one gets hurt as I march forward. 

The whole idea of teamwork is a sad joke. In the end there are those who do the work and those who take the credit. So I am going to learn to stand alone and stand strong. I am grateful with every positive interaction I have with the word, and I am not going to count on it for anything.  A great weight has been lifted and I am going to fly solo. 

  • Question of

    Do you feel a great release when you’ve made a decision?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Have you ever felt truly free?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. A false leader wears a mask and manipulates people to follow him.
    A true leader walks alone, freely, and people follow willingly.
    That’s the best attitude! ?
    If we let our happiness depend upon others, we’ll never be happy.
    Whenever I feel like regretting having taken a decision, I think I might have regretted anyway, if I had chosen differently.

  2. I know how it feels to finally claim your freedom in making decisions for yourself, with a lot of thought, and determination. I can truly identify with you. So freeing, isn’t it?