YouTube has made some changes to its website that make it easier for users to find videos, These new changes are introduced today. Thumbnails are now being made part of the site’s homepage to make the larger and more viewable thumbnails by deleting a few rows of videos from Google’s owned website. You can watch the video preview without having to click the mouse on any thumbnail, which will improve the quality. YouTube with thumbnails, centering the video recommendation, while the number of queues for recommended videos will also be increased. Although the design changes are the most noticeable, the features are also different. Most importantly, you can now tell YouTube to drop off the channels you are not interested in. This feature was first launched on mobile, and now goes to desktops.
YouTube’s Recognition Engine has been critical of showing inappropriate videos in the past. YouTube’s recommendation engine has been criticized for displaying inappropriate videos in the past, and revising channel recognition is probably the most important of the new features introduced on the homepage. For this, the user will click on the three dot menu of any video with each thumbnail, and where you choose don’t recommend channel. According to YouTube the user will be able to watch this channel’s video in the Search, Channel Page or Trending section. But it won’t be promoted on the homepage. YouTube said more features on the new home page, such as following specific topics, would also be introduced soon.
Question of
Will this change loss of YouTubers ?
Question of
Will this change make it easier for users to find the video?
I have received this circular and have yet to go through it
I still did not read new rules, Actually, I do not have opinion still.
I have read the new rules.