Huge old trees that fall in the storms or threaten to fall are often cut and thrown in the dumps or burned. There is a great artist here who makes every dead tree trunk into a piece of art. This is little Simba he had carved in the dead wood. I have posted some of the other carving in a post a long time ago.
These huge pieces of art are sometimes auctioned for social causes. The artist himself doesn’t get much for his work, he does this as social service. I spent sometime speaking to him and he said that he looks at the piece of wood and uses its natural structure to carve an image which suits it. Here are the legs of Simba which are barely carved. The cave itself is a huge cut that has healed . He does the a minimal amount of work on the wood and brings out its natural beauty.
Let’s play a game here –
Question of
Do you see any other animal in this carving?
Question of
Will you name the animals you see in the comments?
That is an incredible carving of lions and a monkey.
Oh so you did see both the lions, that’s great. Did you see a reptile?
OK, I didn’t see the snake the first time.
Wow, that’s amazing and very creative!
He is a very creative person who has dedicated his life to the under privileged. He doesn’t disclose his identity so often.
I do see a monkey and a bird. How creative is this!
And I think a couple of other animals.
That’s amazing. The artist is certainly very clever. I saw a little monkey and bird too!
Yes, they are there, the monkey is Rafiquee from the movie Lion King.