The popular show from the 1990s, Beverly Hills 90210, which ran for ten seasons, is coming back August 7th, 2019.
The new reboot will be called BH90210 and will feature the original gang we fell in love with minus Luke Perry who recently passed away. He played Dylan McKay in the original series.
There will only be six episodes in this reboot. I guess the powers that be thought this was the best option. I, for one, am very bummed that it will be this short but at least we get something and our favorite zip code is coming back.
Question of
Who is your favorite character from the original cast?
Brenda Walsh
Brandon Walsh
Dylan McKay
David Silver
Kelly Taylor
Donna Martin
Andrea Zuckerman
Steve Sanders
Question of
Who was your favorite couple in the original series?
Brenda and Dylan
Kelly and Dylan
Kelly and Brandon
Donna and David
Andrea and Jessie
Steve and Clare
Donna and Noah
David and Valerie
Dylan and Toni
Kelly and Matt
Dylan and Gina
Steve and Janet
Question of
Are you bummed that there will only be six episodes in the reboot?
I can’t even remember the characters. I used to watch it including the Beverly Hills series books. I don’t think reruns have the same effect as the originals.
Yeah, nothing beats the original. Did you ever watch the spin-off called 90210?
I haven’t yet watched it.
I watched all episodes of this series. She was very interesting to me. However, any attempt at extension, in my opinion, will not have the same success.
A lot of shows these days are getting a reboot.
Have no interest in the show. But enjoy!
Not even reruns of it?
I never watched the original show; so my comments aren’t pertinent.
Not even reruns of it?
No, I suppose I should watch it at least once; but there are so many programs to check out!
I caught some reruns on the Pop channel. I was tempted to watch it in its entirety from season 1 to season 10 but not all episodes on TV. Was even thinking of ordering the DVDs from Amazon but for some reason season 4 said ships within 1-2 months. And then looked into the complete collection but people complaining that the original songs are not there and some scenes deleted… Plus, the price is over $250. That’s too much!
So I did not buy that.
I bought 7 seasons of Lost for $72 on eBay.
I did not follow this series and i cant comments