It is not every day that I look up to watch the sky but I did that yesterday It was a bit cloudy but the clouds that I saw gave no indication that it would rain as the clouds I saw were clear and pretty
It did not rain and the day ended with a pretty sunset. I must from now on enjoy the sky and grab it in my camera.
The palms stand out with such a beautiful background. Truly a photographer’s delight.
Do you click cloud photos?
I love those clouds of blue clear sky.
I had a surprise when I looked up and just captured it in my camera
So pretty! I love fluffy clouds and the palms make it even better.
I used to neglect cloud views but from now on I will be on the lookout as they could make for beautiful views.
Cloudy atmosphere click my heart and I am very much attract toward clouds
I should be more involved too.
that’s really lovely to heard from you ,
A week never passes without staring at the sky. The blue sky always draw my attention.
I somehow never seem to look up. Will do that from now on.