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Be Open And Listen, It Can Change Your Life

I`m one to listen to constructive criticism. Sometimes it will make me mad and other times its light a light bulb going off in my head, that ding ding moment when things click.

I`m no smarter than the next person, if I want to learn about something I read nooks on the subject. But common sense is not something you learn in a book, its taught by being social, by living.

I just acknowledged someone, as being a part of why my businesses success, at the moment. A few years ago it was a disaster because I was renting with my heart and not my mind. This person was not expecting this at all but why not let him know that a few words turned life back around for me? I do listen especially when its my life, my business is my income and when its down I`m not making any money.

Another time in life :

I once loved to write poetry and planned to publish a book. When I mentioned this to someone I got a response I was not expecting, This person said  “Prose, that is what you should be doing.” I can tell you that felt like a ton of brinks fell on me and busted my heart wide open! December 2013 was the last entry in my book of life poems. Sure I have done a diddy here and there online but not like I was writing in the book. But that is when I had to open up and really write! And the thing is, its always been me holding back and this person knew what I could do, so I owe it to that person for letting me know, that my poetry was not what I had thought it really was.

What am I trying to say?

Be open and listen to those who are on the outside looking in, where you are failing, they can see and help, regardless if you let them know they helped or not, don`t be so closed minded that you will not allow thought of others to be the solution to your problems.

By Andria Perry

Photo By Pixabay

  • Do you listen and learn from others?

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What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Andria Perry


  1. Listening is always good. You can weed out those that really know what they are talking about and those that are full of hot air. I have sat thru many meetings where one wanted to be King or Queen of the hill and just went on and on and on and said NOTHING!

    It’s always good to be able to handle constructive criticism.

  2. It’s amazing what a few little words can do for someone, sometime. I do agree with Doctor. But, there are always those times when what is being said needs to be heard. You know, those moments in your heart and soul.

  3. I listen and if the advice is reasonable I take it. I have picked up quite a few things from the comments of others too. Listening and learning is a great combination,
